

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 9 months ago

Inter-locals website design


tool bar:


  • content: home; news; letters and dialogues; mediascapes; action calendar; links; personal space


  • function: RSS; search; open translation; partner news aggregator; complete categorization / tags of each post; donation feature at the end of each post.







  • daily mediascapes


(- this section is for editors to suggest a links to a blog post or mainstream report about a news; the editor has to write a brief comments on why the issue is important. other users can continue the discussion.


- each item appears in the main page in a line like this: title / writer / source / categories / editor' brief comments; all are links with editor's brief comments linking back to inter-locals as an independent post with comment section.

- it looks like the section one of ESWN

- the daily mediascapes is archived in the tool bar : mediascapes

- the idea of this mediascape sections is to give people an idea of public concern and the significance of such concern in each locales.)


  • news and commentaries


(- this section is for the translations and writings of alternative news reports and commentaries; hopefully most of the sources would be from the network of independent media and bloggers.


- focused item (selected by editors) appears in the main page like this:

>a photo / picture

> title / original source (language) / translator or writer / 1-2 categories (user select)

> 200 words excerpt.

- all items will appear and be archived in the news section according to the time line with a 200 words excerpt.

- recent items will appear in the left hand bar

- in order to have more news input, network organizations have to devote resources to do the translation, so in every news item readers can choose to donate to the news source - network organizations or the writers - or the translators via paypal.

- a statistic to show how many read the post and a recommendation rating system by reader.

- all news item will be under creative common license non-derivation, attributive and non-commerical, otherwise have to be specified. we should encourage people to translate back the news to their local websites.

- uploading form with function keys to add picture and tag

- donation feature: to individual writer or affiliating org and interlocals)


left hand side


  • About us


(vision, objective and composition: partner network / working team / editors / users / readers)


  • Join us


(to the community of writers and translators who share the vision and objective of the website and willing to be involved in the community, will have an e-mail discussion list) A form for approval


  • Support us


(website donation via paypal) both for interlocal and partner orgs and personal.


  • FAQ


  • Our contributors (all writers and translators' list)


  • All Recent Posts


(10 items in time order, so that for those which do not placed in the focus have a chance to surface in the mainpage)


  • Recent categories


(some suggestions: alternative development and practices / cultural studies and critique / environment / gender and sexuality / global watch / media critique and activism / migrant and minorities / peace / etc.)


  • Network organizations / websites


(there should be an agreement among network that we share the vision and objectives of this website and that we can share each other's news and contribute to the platform.

- each network organization / website should hold a profile account in the inter-local website for intro and for micro payment)


right hand side


  • Multi-media corner


(recommend independent video resource with English subtitles)


  • User login box


(show the user's status, latest responses to his/her post, p2p private exchange)


  • Who’s online?


(show who’s online and links to his / her personal page (for advance user) or profile)


  • Letters and dialogues


(this section is to encourage interlocal open dialogue and exchanges

- focused item (selected by editors) appears in the mainpage like this:

to: name / district

from: name / district

subject: subject title / 1-2 categories (user select)

-all items will appear and be archived in the letters and dialog)


  • Recent comments


(10 posts)


Functional feature


Personal space


[- Every advance user (editor, writer or translator) of the website will have its personal space, with a distinctive url by username, to serve as the archive for his / her writings in the website.


- After they login in as advance user, the personal space will appear at the middle of the website, with the username on top middle, link to his or her profile, followed by personal collection of resources and recent entries.


- If possible, we should open the layout html]



Open translation


All the items from news and commentaries, letters and dialogues can be openned to translating from english - different languages. An e-mail list among contributors to facilitate other cross language translation, such as chinese-korean or spanish-korean.


Both the original and translated copies should be made open to public access under free use license.


News aggregators for partner orgs


in different languages, can refer to TaregetWTO


Complete categorization


each post would be categorized


Different User Groups


  • Admin (2-4 manage the system)
  • editors (recruit by invitation, can post in the mediascapes section, select focus news, add links, delete comments, etc.)
  • writers / translators (via recommendation or e-mail application with self-intro, can post in the news and letters section, edit their own post, join an e-mail list)
  • users (auto registration, post comment only)


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