

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 4 months ago

Narrating Hong Kong - Interlocals.net


Representing Hong Kong


What are the recent news in Hong Kong?

From the local? please give example

From the international news agencies, e.g BBC, Reuters

Why? Who decide? What are the logics of the news pick?

How would you represent Hong Kong?


Politics of translation


international to local and local to international, the case of WTO.

What are the operative factors? cultural politics


Why interlocals?


- globalization (news agencies, multinational and transnational croporate, etc.) VS. localised alternative media. e.g Japan case


- cross border conscious (create a new frame of reference, vs. nationalism) e.g Hong Kong and Singapore, China and Africa dialogue


- self-representation with context. who and where am I in speak?



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